Virtual Competition
We are planning to run an Virtual Challenge/Comp. Students need to send to their instructor a non edited video of themselves performing one of their top two forms/or a demo form and a weapons form for those eligible. Video needs to show all of the student so we can clearly see everything (including all of the bo staff). Students will be put into groups based on grade, age etc. Videos for that group will be sent to a panel of 3 judges who will score as normal, an average score will then be used. Certificates will be awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. Note: Students and parents need to be made aware that Videos will be shared to the judging panel. There will be no charge to enter this challenge/comp. Videos for White belts need to be sent by the end of February, Orange belts a week later, Green belts week after that, and so on and so on.